Great Fringing Reef Hope Spot

Campaigning for the protection of one of the world’s most important reefs.

The Great Fringing Reef of the Red Sea (a site identified by our 50 Reefs initiative) is undoubtedly one of the world’s most important reef systems. It might be the most climate-tolerant coral reef in the world. If protected, it still has the potential to survive.

We teamed up with the UN Environment Programme and the Egyptian organization, HEPCA to 1) Raise awareness about the reef and its importance, 2) Get the reef recognized as a Mission Blue Hope Spot 3) Campaign for its protection, and 4) Use it to inspire climate action at COP27 with Singer-Songwriter and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador, Ellie Goulding.

Watch Ellie Goulding visit the Great Fringing Reef